column.filterable : booleanDefault: true

Indicates if the column is sortable. If set to false the header filter is hidden.


Material Design

 <table id="grid"></table>
         dataSource: '/Players/Get',
         headerFilter: true,
         columns: [
             { field: 'ID', width: 56, filterable: false },
             { field: 'Name', filterable: true },
             { field: 'PlaceOfBirth' }


Bootstrap 3

 <table id="grid"></table>
         dataSource: '/Players/Get',
         headerFilter: true,
         uiLibrary: 'bootstrap',
         columns: [
             { field: 'ID', width: 56, filterable: false },
             { field: 'Name', filterable: true },
             { field: 'PlaceOfBirth' }