Gijgo Grid methods

addRow Base

Add new row to the grid.

cancel Inline Editing

Cancel the edition of all editable cells, when the row is in edit mode.

clear Base

Clear the content in the grid.

collapseAll Expand Collapse Rows

Collapse all grid rows.

count Base

Return the number of records in the grid. By default return only the records that are visible in the grid.

destroy Base

Destroy the grid. This method remove all data from the grid and all events attached to the grid.

downloadCSV Export

Download grid data in Comma Separated Values (CSV) format.

edit Inline Editing

Enable edit mode for all editable cells within a row.

expandAll Expand Collapse Rows

Expand all grid rows.

get Base

Return record from the grid based on position.

getAll Base

Return an array with all records presented in the grid.

getById Base

Return record by id of the record.

getChanges Inline Editing

Return array with all changes

getCSV Export

Get grid data in Comma Separated Values (CSV) format.

getSelected Base

Return the id of the selected record. If the multiple selection method is one this method is going to return only the id of the first selected record.

getSelections Base

Return an array with the ids of the selected record.

hideColumn Base

Hide column from the grid.

makeResponsive Responsive Design

Make the grid responsive based on the available space. Show column if the space for the grid is expanding and hide columns when the space for the grid is decreasing.

reload Base

Reload the data in the grid from a data source.

removeRow Base

Remove row from the grid

render Base

Render data in the grid

selectAll Base

Select all records from the grid.

setSelected Base

Select a row from the grid based on id parameter.

showColumn Base

Show hidden column.

title Toolbar

Get or set grid title.

unSelectAll Base

Unselect all records from the grid.

update Inline Editing

Update all editable cells within a row, when the row is in edit mode.

updateRow Base

Update row data.