Gijgo Tree configuration

Select Plugin:  

autoLoad Base

When this setting is enabled the content of the tree will be loaded automatically after the creation of the tree.

border Base

When this setting is enabled the content of the tree will be wrapped by borders.

cascadeCheck Checkboxes

This setting enable cascade check and uncheck of children

cascadeSelection Base

This setting enable cascade selection and unselection of children

checkboxes Checkboxes

Add checkbox for each node, if set to true.

checkedField Checkboxes

Name of the source field, that indicates if the checkbox is checked.

childrenField Base

Children field name.

dataSource Base

The data source of tree.

disabledField Base

Disabled field name. Assume that the item is not disabled if not set.

dragAndDrop DragAndDrop

Enables drag and drop functionality for each node.

hasChildrenField Base

The name of the field that indicates if the node has children. Shows expand icon if the node has children.

icons.collapse Base

Collapse icon definition.

icons.expand Base

Expand icon definition.

iconsLibrary Base

The name of the icons library that is going to be in use. Currently we support Material Icons, Font Awesome and Glyphicons.

imageCssClassField Base

Image css class field name.

imageHtmlField Base

Image html field name.

imageUrlField Base

Image url field name.

lazyLoading Lazy Loading

Enables lazy loading

paramNames.parentId Lazy Loading

The name of the parameter that is going to send the parent identificator. Lazy Loading needs to be enabled in order this parameter to be in use.

primaryKey Base

Primary key field name.

selectionType Base

The type of the node selection.
If the type is set to multiple the user will be able to select more then one node in the tree.

textField Base

Text field name.

uiLibrary Base

The name of the UI library that is going to be in use.

width Base

Width of the tree.